

なぜバットガールなのか?...「バットマンはいつも勝つ」から! :: How Was Bat Girl Born? Because "Batman Always Wins"

Hello!  Bat Girl reporting for duty.


The Bat Girl character was born under rather silly circumstances.  Many of you were probably puzzled by the title.  But those of you outside of the U.S. may find this completely unnecessary information interesting.

いつ頃から始まったのか定かではありませんが、アメリカでは、"Batman always wins."という(フィクションの中での)周知の事実というか、都市伝説/ミームがあるのです。"Batman always wins"で画像検索でもしようものなら、わんさかと出てきます。(殆どはネタなのですが)他のスーパーヒーローと違い、どんな強敵でもバットマンは最後には勝つ、と言われ、その「証明」が沢山あります。

In the U.S., it's a known "fact" (within the fictional realm), or an urban legend/meme, that "Batman always wins."  If you were to run an image search with "Batman always wins," you won't see the end of it.  Most of them are of humorous nature, but you'd also find many arguments and proofs how Batman always wins against any villain or other superheroes.

それほど「いつも勝つ」バットマンにあやかりたかったのと、図書館情報学の博士号を持つ初代バットガール、バーバラ・ゴードン(Barbara Gordon)へのオマージュにもしたかったのですが、筆者はグラマラスな赤毛の白人美女とは似ても似つきません。そこでルックスはバットファミリーでは唯一のアジア系キャラクター、三代目バットガールのカサンドラ・ケイン(Cassandra Cain)風になりました。
I wanted to channel this victorious part of Batman's character, but also wanted to pay homage to the first Batgirl Barbara Gordon, who holds a doctorate in library science.  (I think it's cool she is tough and bookish.)  But alas, I'm the farthest thing from a redhead bombshell, so my character's look also pays homage to the 3rd and the only Asian Batgirl, Cassandra Cain.


 <Enfuさんが描いて下さったFact Check用“バットメーター”


I was discussing the idea with the super-talented Japanese American illustrator Enfu-san.  Since it's probably not wise to draw a Batgirl-like character as is, the "Bat" became a baseball bat (it was my idea, so please don't blame Enfu-san for the silliness).



...I know, not too deep.  Nonetheless, I appreciate that Enfu-san kindly agreed to draw the art among his busy schedule, and came up with the wonderful, cute-and-tough-at-the-same-time images.


As such, Bat Girl was born as an Asian super heroine who excels in information gathering--and hopefully always wins due to the superior information.  I will try my hardest to live up to the name!

